Juminten Adventure

Juminten Adventure

        At 12 pm in the Jeruk Purut grave, come strange creature from other world. That creature can change become human and can prophesy everything.
Juminten  : Me? Change become human? Ok!!! But how the way me to change? (up to you) Ok!!! I will prophesy you, I see you will success and happy, but I see… you is  ugly.

        Ok, next Juminten live in Jeruk Purut grave and the profession is as grave wathman. The next morning there are any 5 friendship which go home from school.
Jaclyn      : Bye…
Karen       : Bye… (bunyi, noleh). Wow it’s wonderful!!! (banting pintu, telepon)
                   Hey guys come in my home, ok? I have something which wonderful.
Jaclyn      : Ehm! Ok! What which you meet? It is! Wow wonderful. Camon read! (buka, baca) Karen, are you believe it? We will death. Why you invite me to death>
Karen       : Sorry I don’t know (buka, baca) (Call friends to come here!) (Ilham, camon come in my home! Invite Peter, Tom, and Zack)
Peter        : What happen?
Karen       : Read! (Everybody read)
Tom          : Look, read it! Game (all)
Zac          : We go to place which you meet this book.
Karen       : In this! In here I meet that death note.
Zac          : (mengobrak-abrik sampah) Juminten Game (all) Uuh! How the way to open this game?                                                     
Tom          : (Open the book) In here say that we must ask to Juminten. The address is Roosevelt Street.                                              
Jaclyn      : Camon, we go to Juminten’s house! I not death.
Zac          : Camon. Fast… I bring a car… Let’s do it!
        On arriving they in the that grave all of them soon search which have Juminten name.
Jaclyn      : Karen, Zac what you confident with this place which the aim?
Peter        : Yes, this place very very horrible.
Karen and Zac (together) : Of course!
Tom          : Ah… as you… all coward! (tiba-tiba seseorang datang dan memegang pundak Tom) aagghhh… Help me…! (dan akhirnya semua ikut menjerit)
Karen       : Are you Juminten?
Juminten  : It’s positive! Why you search me?
Peter        : Let’s say how the way to open this game?
Juminten  : What game?
All            : Juminten Game!
Tom          : How to play?
Juminten  : Oh proved you which for destroy me!!!
Jaclyn      : What is your aim???
Karen       : Enough lets me know the procedure to play it!
Juminten  : Ok!!! First you must dance around the box like crazy people! Second, you must read the magic formula! And the last you must scream “I love Juminten Game”.
Zac          : And the ways???
Juminten  : Read in the Death Note!!!
All            : Bye… bye… Juminten, thank you!!!

        In the Karen’s house.
Zac          : Lets! Open and play the game!!! (lakukan syarat-syaratnya) Open
Peter        : (baca buku Death Note) This is the ways! (semua baca) Lets we start (hompimpah) Ok! Me first!!! (kocok dadu) (muncul tulisan CJ 7) Haa…h!!! Wonderful!
CJ 7         : My name is CJ 7, I am yours! As my friend (dipengaruhi, pergi kayak zombie, ditarik-tarik)
Jaclyn      : Ah, enough he cannot forget with me! He will come back again! Next… (hompimpah)
Zac          : Me second! Oh, no problem. I am legend (lempar dadu) (muncul tulisan I am legend) Oh my God!!! (tiba-tiba berubah)
Karen       : Oh my God!!! Zaccccc!!! (semua teriak)
Jaclyn      : (baca buku) Haven’t note for helps Zac!!!
Tom          : Yarn he!!!!! (semua menangis)
Karen       : What will we do now?
Tom          : Continue the game, possible he will safe.
Jaclyn      : Hah! Me???
Karen       : Please! Resque Zac! I am cannot loss Zac!
Jaclyn      : (Karen bantu Jaclyn) (Jaclyn gila) Exit you will be die.
Karen       : Restful, not happen anything! (Kaki Jaclyn dipegang Ivan) (Karen dan Tom coba nglepasin) (Jaclyn lari nabrak Lili, lari muter-muter. Keampit Ivan sama Lili yang bawa pisau) MATI. Oh no Jaclyn!!! (segera lari dan pergi ke arah Jaclyn bersama Tom)
Tom          : Karen, what will we do now? (sambil membujuk Karen yang menangis histeris)
Jaclyn      : (sambil tersedak-sedak) Karen, Tom you must continue the game. You must safing Zac! Don’t worry bout me! (sambil menghembuskan nafas terakhir)
Karen       : Jaclyn don’t go by me alone!
Tom          : Jaclyn… Why you go by me. What will me do now? Oh… how bout Zac. Karen still stay in here I will check Zac, ok? (berlari ke arah Zac) Karen… Karen! Come here!
Karen       : What happen Tom? How bout Zac, is he still life right? But why life face change to pale?
Tom          : He’s die
Karen       : What’s…? (melihat kea arah Tom yang raut mukanya berubah)
Tom          : Why… we was loss Peter, Jaclyn now Zac. Why not me (sambil memukul-mukul keningnya dan melirik kea arah Karen yang ikut menangis) (dan Tom ingat pada buku itu) Karen, the book. (Tom mengmbil buku dan membukanya lalu tertera LANJUTKAN)
Karen       : I don’t want to loss them, we must resque all.
Tom          : Okay… now turn me (mengmbil dan melempar dadu)
Karen       : What do you get Tom…? (muka kawatir)
Tom          : In here… be written JUNGLE but what approximately will happen?
Karen       : I don’t know but I hope event which not dangerous and not cause death… (Tiba-tiba terdengar suara keras dan berlari menuju kea rah kami)
Tom          : Karen… Sssttt…
Karen       : Tom, are you hear that?
Tom          : Yes (dua-duanya melihat ke arah belakang dan melihat banyak binatang buas kea rah kami)
Tom          : Tom, you see that’s?
Tom          : Yes, let’s run. Than we die in vain gluttonoused them (berlari terus dengan tenaga penuh, tapi tiba-tiba seekor chetan berhasil menggigit salah satu kai Tom) aaagghhhh…
Karen       : Tom…!
Tom          : Let’s go, in order that you welfare (saat Karen lari tiba-tiba ia jatuh dan dililit ular)
Karen       : Tom, help me (tapi Karen segera melihat rumput yang berceceran darah / darah Tom) Tom don’t life me alone (tiba-tiba semua hewan itu lenyap) Everybody was die, now just me. I must finish game be yourself Karen you can.
Karen       : I must rescue them. Yes I must, does is note willing to die! (melempar dadu)
Karen       : Oh no! I will be die! aaaaggghhh...... Tom I cannot rescue all of you. I fail, I fail. We will is note emerge real life indium anymore. I am sorry Mom, Dad, Ashley (Karen sister).  (sambil pelan-pelan hilang)

All deaths is nothing that remains. Oh, we forget Peter and CJ7. He can rescue the players. But, Karen’s family sells their house. And 3 year laters, Nicky and family move to the house. Nicky finds Death Note and reads it. Like this the story......
3              : Bye
Nicky        : Bye! (masuk rumah bunyi Jumilah Game di gudang. Diatasnya ada Death Note, ambil, baca, dan telepon teman-temannya) Guys, I will go to your house now, there is thing important.
Lynn         : What happen, Nicky?
Nicky        : Guys, I find this! Read...... (semua membaca)
Shery       : Oh my God! We must rescue them!
Liz            : But, how the ways?
Lynn        : (baca dibaliknya) Hey sees from 5 players, still remaining one, His name is Peter! Possibly he can assist us!
Liz            : But, where him now?
Lynn         : There is address is written here! 9 block from your house, Nicky! Possibly this house Peter!
Shery       : Let us there!
All            : Let's go!

          In the Peter’s house.
Shery       : Can we meet Peter now?
Ibu           : No! Go away!
Nicky        : Mom, please! It’s very important! Please!
Ibu           : Em! Camon! Wait a minute!
Peter        : What happen?
Nicky        : We read the Death Note! We will be die! Please helps us! Only you know about this game! May be you can help your friends!
All            : Please!
Peter        : Eh, ok! (anak-anak ngeluarin mainan) Play this game! Read the procedure in the Death Note (buka buku Death Note)
Shery       : Let’s start to play this game (hompimpah)
Lynn         : Me first! (kocok dadu dan gak ada yang terjadi) What will happen?
Liz            : Huh this game is not useful!
All            : ??? (muncul Zac, semua kaget)
Peter        : Zac… Oh my God. Zac come back! Thanks God! (pelukan, Zac masih trauma) Camon, play again. I want to help my friends (hompimpah)
Liz            : Me? Oh how bout if I’m not lucky? (main tidak terjadi apa-apa) Sorry I ca’t do it (Jaclyn muncul) Now is your turn Nick!
Nicky        : Ok! (kocok) Yes! I am successful! (Tom muncul)
Tom          : Thanks… Em Nicky right…
Nicky        : Yes I am. No who’s next?
Lynn         : Me! For the last player (dengan semangat Lynn melempar dadu dan ternyata Lynn gagal dan keluarlah hujan es tapi hanya berlangsung 10 menit) Sorry guys. I lose.
Jaclynn     : No problem, Lynn? What will must do know?
Peter, Zac, Tom :  The book! (mereka semua menuju buku Death Note)
Peter        : Nicky you can play it! Because you not death.
Nicky        : Okay! I will try again.
Jaclyn      : I trust you Nick, you must resque Karen.
Nicky        : Prayer me! (melempar dadu dan ternyata berhasil) Yeah… I successful
Zac          : Right, I know that can do it
Jaclyn      : Thanks Nick… (dan perlahan-lahan Karen mulai muncul) Oh… Karen (Berlari menuju Karen dan memeluknya)
Karen       : Hi everybody… Oh you Nicky right?
Nicky        : Oh… Yes I am
Karen       : Thanks
Nicky        : You’re welcome
Karen       : Now, what we most do you know? (semua berpikir dan……)
Peter        : Hi I know! Burn the Death Note! Because I hate it!
All            : Yes, burn Death Note (lalu mereka membakarnya)
Karen       : How bout Juminten…? (go to Juminten’s house. Juminten lagi bobo! Dikagetin, 123 BUU) (Juminten change become strange creature and lenyap) (ketawa semua)


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